
Showing posts from October, 2020

Spatial Montage and Split Screen

Spatial Montage and Split Screen: Spatial montage is the use of one screen to contrast another screen. It consists of more than one single image in different shapes and sizes on the screen at the same time for an intended effect desired by the film maker.  Spatial Montage in film dates back to the early 20th century. However, it has been used further back in history in depiction of art and paintings. They were known as triptychs. Triptychs are panelled paintings, divided into three sections. It was used in Christian Europe in the middle ages to portray a religious story.  Triptych inspired film makers to use this technique, but with moving images rather than the still painting images. The most famous use of the split screen/spatial montage technique is from the film - Pillow Talk. In this scene we see a man and a woman having a conversation on the telephone in the bath. However, it creates some contrast in the frame as they're in two different locations. The use of this s...


Interactivity: Interactivity is a way of telling a story digitally, in which the audience can determine the outcome of the narrative. The audience can choose certain options for their own viewership needs and pleasure. This is applied to any media platform that allows the user to generate their desired result. Interactivity first occurred in the mid 1960s. ELIZA, which is a natural language processing software, created by Joseph Weizenbaum allowed users to speak to their computer. This was the first development of interactivity between humans and media as it allowed the audience to ask question or just have a conversation with the computer, just by typing in what they want to say. Eliza, known as the first 'chatterbot', was designed based off of therapy. Programmed to answer any of the users wants and needs. It had flaws as it could respond to what was being asked, but not gain a true understanding of a situation completely.  From these early developments of Eli...

Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality: Augmented Reality (AR) is similar to Virtual Reality (VR). It uses a mix of reality and VR to create AR. This is done by using objects surrounding you and adding boosting it with special effects being added to it.  An example would be Snapchat filters. The selfie is of you, but it adds a special effect to your face as if you are something else. Below is a normal selfie of me. Next to it is the AR implement in which it adds a filter to make me a moose. This displays what AR is capable of when creating an alternate reality but using implements of reality to do so. Augmented reality dates back to 1968 where Ivan Sutherland invented 'The sword Of Damocles'. This was a head mounted display which had lenses that covered the eyes. It allowed the person wearing the device to see shapes that wouldn't normally appear to be there , through computer generated graphics projected the image onto the lenses . This was the earliest known stage o...