Projection Mapping

 Projection Mapping:

Projection mapping is when you project an image upon another object and matching its scale. This is designed on specialised software in which you map your desired image onto the object. Once that is done it is projected onto the object you designed the image onto.  These objects tend to be 3d rather than a projection onto a typical 2d surface. This has been done on objects such as the interior of buildings, exterior buildings, water fountains, trainers and cars.
Projection Mapping Examples and Use Cases Across Industries
Projection mapping started to occur in the 1960's but it was given many other names such as: video mapping, spatial augmented reality, shader lamps or 'the Madame Leota effect'. The Madame Leota effect was a title given to it as Disney used it as a projection mapping technique for their Haunted Mansion attraction. In this they projected Madame Leota's face onto a mannequin's face within a crystal ball giving it a 3d feel to it and a sense of realism. This was managed by having a projector and mirrors hidden in the chair next to the table.  
One of its first notable uses was by the Beatles in their 1967 movie 'Magical Mystery Tour'. In the movie scene 'Blue Jay Way' use a few shots of George Harrison sat down with images of cat's head being projected onto him. There is also another set of shots in which he has footage being projected onto him. These were some of the early stages of projection mappings. 
Disney were pioneers in the sector of projection mapping, previously using it in their theme park attractions. They saw its potential and decided to patent it in 1991 'Apparatus and Method of projection upon a three-dimensional object'. 

After Disney's patenting people became curious which led to universities and companies such as Microsoft taking an interest in the technology. The University of North Carolina Chapel Hill started a project called 'Office for the future'. They investigated what it would be like to use projectors instead of computer screens. Their idea was to project people into office meetings kind of like Star Wars with holograms. 
How to Create a Star Wars-Inspired Hologram in After Effects
In the modern day we see projection mapping being used more often. Many companies use it to advertise their products and to make it stand out to customers. This captivates customers and draws their attention to the advert. This could help increase revenue for the companies as the unique way of advertising could encourage them to buy the product.
Many places use it now as a form of entertainment as the technology is aesthetical pleasing to watch and brings a great sense of fascination and admiration to the audience. 


In our session we were put into groups and had to come up with an idea to create our own 30-60 second projection mapping project. We would be using the software aftereffects to create the video to projection and Mad Mapper to project the image.


At first, we tested the waters with the Mad Mapper software projecting different patterns, colours and images onto the wall to become familiar with the software.

The idea we came up with in the end was to project an eye onto the big ball we were given.

Final Product:

We gathered images off of the internet of eyes and projected it onto the ball. I then used the spherical tool in Mad Mapper and adjusted it to fit on the ball to create the 3D projection mapping effect we intended.


The aim of this session was to gain knowledge of projection mappings and to understand where it came from and what it is and can be used for. It also allowed me to broaden my skills in the creative media sector. I enjoyed and loved the concept of making a projection mapping as it is aesthetically pleasing to look at. I liked the outcome of my prototype but would be unsure on how to improve it and other ideas. I wasn't too keen with the software as it took a while to get my head around at first and that was just the basics. I am not ruling out using this as my final project yet as it was enjoyable, but I would like to embrace the other sessions and options first to see if I have a better idea and I am more confident using the software.
