
Showing posts from November, 2020

Final Production Proposal

Final Production Proposal : After all the sessions we have done and weighing up my options, I have decided to go down the route of Augmented Reality (AR). I really enjoyed the session and experimenting with it. I feel very confident using the Blippar app and it would be beneficial for my concept. The idea I have decided to go for is an AR concept for Match Attax cards. Match Attax cards are football collecting cards of football players. The aim is to complete the collection of all the football players in the league.  My Twist on it is to use AR. You would scan the cards using the Blippar app and it comes up with more information about that specific player. I was thinking of attaching the players position, their club, age, nationality, how many appearances they have, how many goals they have, achievements, attaching their Instagram account they have and their Wikipedia page for even more information.  Regarding the Instagram and Wikipedia page, the plan is t...

Social Media Stories, Deep Fakes and Memes:

Social Media Stories, Deep Fakes and Memes: Social Media Stories: Social Media plays a big part of everybody's daily life, especially the younger generation as we are the most active audience. Caring about how many 'likes' and how many followers  your post gets determine your individual character to society.    ln 2013, 'stories' were first introduced to social media on the Snapchat platform. They were designed for the purpose of personal use for all your contacts to see a photo/video for 24 hours only and then it would disappear. This was further developed in 2015 with a 'Discover section' for stories in the app. This allowed Media companies such as BuzzFeed, Sky Sports, Daily Mail and many more place content in a stories way. For example, Sky Sports would post sports news on theirs as well as highlight clips of sporting events for its audience. In between each individual story as you would swipe, there would be an occasional advert. This made Snapchat a h...