Evaluation: Successes: In my eyes i think my artefact was a great success. I managed to include every feature i tended but one. If it was to be used by my target audience, I believe they would thoroughly enjoy using the application concept. Each card was scannable allowing and came up with the correct information for the players. All the hyperlinks worked taking the users to the correct social media page, website and YouTube Clips. Also, the firework feature came off as intended despite having great difficulty to execute it. I was also very disciplined in the way conducted myself on this module. I Completed the blogs close to when we were taught it in order to retain what was taught and make it the best I can. Also, I made sure I booked the camera equipment days in advance so it would be available for me to use. Furthermore, I had a a good schedule in terms of not overloading too much work with little time left. I assigned myself a week in which I set myself targets to meet....